• Environmental Lands Oversight Committee
  • Created pursuant to Resolution No. 25-2.14
  • BCC Created Advisory Boards & Committees
  • The ELOC shall meet quarterly or more frequently as directed by staff, the ELOC Chair or a majority of the members. Five members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting meetings. Failure to attend three consecutive meetings is grounds for automatic removal from the committee.

Contact Information

Phone Number
Staff Liaison:John MaehlWork: (772) 463-3263

Board Members

VacantAudubon of Martin County
VacantEconomic Council of Martin County
VacantMartin County Farm Bureau Inc.
VacantMartin County Forever
VacantMartin County Realtors Association
VacantMartin County Taxpayers Association
VacantRivers Coalition
VacantThe Everglades Foundation
VacantUniversity of Florida Institute of Food & Agriculture Science Ext County's 4H Youth Development Prog
1 - 9

Other Info

  • The ELOC is hereby created pursuant to Section 6(1)j of Martin County Ordinance Number 1221 and shall have the duty and responsibility to provide citizen oversight and conduct and coordinate any necessary studies to determine appropriate lands to acquire from the funding provided by the surtax.

    The ELOC shall make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners

  • The ELOC shall consist of nine (9) members who are Martin County registered voters from each of the following categories: 

    a. Four (4) members shall be appointed from the following dedicated environmental organizations with mission focused on education, research, preserving, restoring, acquiring and protecting the public’s local water quality, the natural environment and to enhance and restore local ecosystems:
            (1) Martin County Forever
            (2) The Everglades Foundation
            (3) Rivers Coalition
            (4) Audubon of Martin County

    b. Three (3) members shall be appointed with one member representing from each of the following:
    (1) An organization with a mission focused on fiscal oversight of government budgets and spending: Martin County Taxpayers Association
    (2) An organization with a mission focused on the real estate industry: Martin County Realtors Association
    (3) An organization with a mission focused on responsible business growth and economic development: Economic Council of Martin County.

    c. Two (2) members shall be appointed from the following organizations with a mission focused on educating, promoting and protecting the interests of agricultural farmers and ranchers:
    (1) Martin County Farm Bureau Inc.
    (2) University of Florida Institute of Food and Agriculture Science Extension Martin County’s 4H Youth Development Program.

  • The term of each member shall be determined at the time of their appointment. At the initial appointment to the ELOC, the terms of office of the members shall be for 4 years, except that four of the members first appointed shall be designated to serve terms of 2 years, respectively, from the date of their appointments, and five other members shall be designated to serve for terms of 4 years from the date of their appointments. A vacancy occurring during a term shall be filled for the unexpired term. Each member shall hold office until his or her successor has been appointed and has qualified.