• Community Redevelopment Agency
  • Created pursuant to Code s. 39
  • BCC Created Decision-Making Boards and Authorities
  • The agency shall hold a regular meeting at least four times each fiscal year on a day, at a time and place to be designated from time to time by the agency.  Workshop and special meetings of the agency may be called at any time and place as determined by the Chair and staff.

Contact Information

Phone Number
Office of Community Development Director:Susan KoresWork: (772) 320-3095

Board Members

Chuck SmithAt-Large01/14/202501/13/2027
Saadia TsaftaridesGolden Gate01/01/201701/13/2029
Robert KrebsHobe Sound12/05/202301/27/2027
Cynthia HallJensen Beach01/01/201701/13/2029
Rex SentellOld Palm City01/05/202101/13/2029
Jaime Rolle TaylorPort Salerno01/01/202412/31/2027
Michael ReadlingRio04/23/201901/13/2029
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Other Info

  • The Community Redevelopment Agency is authorized to carry out all community redevelopment and related activities specified in F.S. §§ 163.370, with the exception of the powers specifically enumerated in F.S. § 163.358, which shall be retained by the Board of County Commissioners.  The Community Redevelopment Agency is authorized to identify community redevelopment areas within the unincorporated area and within the Primary Urban Service District, of the County, and such areas shall be the focus of redevelopment activities by the agency. The identification of community redevelopment areas shall not prevent other neighborhoods within the County, who do not wish to be a part of the community redevelopment area, from soliciting redevelopment funds from sources other than the redevelopment trust fund of the Board of County Commissioners.  Development of a countywide community redevelopment plan.

  • The Community Redevelopment Agency shall consist of seven (7) members. The Agency shall be made up of one member representing each of the following community redevelopment areas; Golden Gate, Hobe Sound, Jensen Beach, Old Palm City, Rio and Port Salerno and one member "at large" from within a community redevelopment area. Members must have Chaired an NAC in the community redevelopment area they are to represent as a member of the Agency.  The "at large" member shall have served as a member of the Neighborhood Advisory Committee, but is not required to have served as Chair.  In order for a person to qualify for membership in the Agency, the person must either: 

    1. Reside in the community redevelopment area; or

    2. Be a resident of Martin County and engage in a business within the area of operation of the community redevelopment area, which means:

    a. owning a business, or

    b. practicing a profession, or

    c. performing a service for compensation, or

    d. serving as an officer or director of a corporation or other business entity so engaged.

    e. Be a resident of Martin County and own real property within a mile of the community redevelopment area.

  • The term of each member shall be determined at the time of their appointment. At the initial appointment to the Agency the terms of office of the members shall be for 4 years, except that three of the members first appointed shall be designated to serve terms of 1, 2, and 3 years, respectively, from the  date of their appointments.  Following the initial appointment, members shall be designated to serve for terms of 4 years from the date of their appointments except the "at large" member position which is a term of 2 years. A vacancy occurring during a term shall be filled for the unexpired term. Each member shall hold office until his or her successor has been appointed and has qualified.  The Board of County Commissioners shall designate a chair and vice chair of the Community Redevelopment Agency from among the members of the Agency, who shall serve as the officers of the Agency, at the direction of the entire Agency.